
Safeway Bargaining

At work for YOU At work for you

new Safeway Agreement  - implementation update

Since the Safeway Collective Agreement was ratified on October 20, we’ve been working hard to update the agreement with the new changes. This process will take some time, but we want you to know that it is well underway. In the meantime, we are able to share the following information related to just some of the new items coming into force, including some key dates that you may want to note:

Members entitled to retroactive wage increase payments should see those payments on the November 9 pay deposit.

New Rates
Members should see their new rates of pay on their paystub for the November 9 pay deposit. If you have a question or concern about your rate change or any adjustments made to your experience hours, a great place to start would be to ask your Store Manager, who should have specific details available.
Due to current HR system issues, the updated premiums will not be available until the December 21, 2023, payroll deposit. This means that members should continue to enter existing premiums as they do now. There will be a retroactive calculation to top up the amounts to the newly negotiated rates. For specific instructions on entering premiums, we recommend reaching out to your Store Manager.

Grid B 4000
There are members who are considered “Grid B 4000” as of August 24, 2008. They should be reclassified as Grid A effective December 3, 2023. If this applies to you and you have questions about it, you can reach out to your Store Manager.

Time Clock
The time clocks in your store should be updated with the new rounding rules effective November 12, 2023. Between now and then, there will be no change in the timekeeping practice.
Vacation Bridge
There have been many requests from members for information on employee hours used to calculate vacation entitlement in past years. The changes in the new agreement related to vacation calculation do not take effect until the 2025 vacation year. The company advises that they will be looking at these adjustments in mid- to late-2024. Unless the concern has to do with your vacation entitlement for the 2024 vacation year, we would recommend holding off requesting a revised calculation until mid to late 2024.

Voluntary Severance
There has been no announcement on the timing or specifics of the voluntary severance offering. When it is announced, the company should provide complete and detailed information to eligible members.
In relation to any of the above, while we recommend initially reaching out to your store-level management on some specific questions, should you ever have further concerns or feel that something doesn’t make sense or isn’t right, you can also always reach out to a Union Representative or Shop Steward for assistance. Thank you for your patience. We'll keep you posted as we continue to work towards ensuring the changes to your Collective Agreement are implemented in the way that they were intended.

UFCW 247 - Safeway Tentative Agreement accepted by 70%

With polls closing at 3pm today (October 20), we can report that the Tentative Agreement our UFCW 247 bargaining committee reached with Sobeys for a new Collective Agreement with Safeway has been accepted by 70%.
This vote comes after a lengthy bargaining process with Sobeys that only seemed to make progress after members from all unions took steps towards taking strike action at Safeway stores in BC. This included UFCW Local 247 members in Zone 1 voting 99% in favour of authorizing strike action. When it came to getting things done in bargaining, this was the push that was needed!
While this Collective Agreement has a lot of achievements, including some of the largest wage increases seen at Safeway in many years, another big win was the level of coordination and solidarity that was built and practiced by unions representing Safeway workers in BC.
“I want to thank all the members who have participated in this process and engaged with their union,” said lead negotiator, Cathy Shannon. “That strong strike vote was our members' achievement, and so is this strong retail agreement that provides opportunities for all UFCW Local 247 members in the Meat, Deli, and Seafood departments over the 5-year term.”
“None of this could have been done without the tenacity and effort of our amazing bargaining committee, which included members from across BC who pushed the interests of their coworkers forward,” added Shannon.
“Just like the strike vote that led to this agreement, there was a really large turnout and engagement of our Safeway members across the province,” said Dan Goodman, President of UFCW Local 247. “It is so encouraging to see members stepping up and participating in their union. We look forward to channelling this engagement towards building a stronger union.”
With the Tentative Agreement now ratified by membership vote, the next step in the process is to begin the work of implementing and enforcing the new agreement. UFCW Local 247 staff, union representatives, and shop stewards will be turning their focus towards ensuring the terms of the agreement are implemented and enforced through the term of the agreement.

UFCW 247 - Safeway Tentative Agreement

Click the button below to see the Tentative Agreement reached between our UFCW 247 Bargaining Committee and Sobeys:

Safeway Tentative Agreement

Do you have questions about the Tentative Agreement before voting? We've posted answers to some frequently asked questions members have been asking about the Tentative Agreement. Plus, our Safeway bargaining committee members are visiting stores all week, and members can also reach out to us with their questions or to have a committee member or union representative respond. To reach out, just call 1-800-667-2205 or email


Click the button below for details of the Safeway Telephone Town Hall Meeting (October 16, 2023) and Ratification Vote (October 18-20, 2023):

Ratification Vote Information


October 13, 2023

We are pleased to share that, in the early hours of Friday, October 13, 2023, our bargaining committee reached a tentative agreement with Sobeys over a new contract for our members working in Safeway Meat, Deli, and Seafood departments across BC.
Thanks to you, we came into meetings with the company this week with a 99% strike authorization vote, an amazing expression of our members’ strength and solidarity. Without a doubt, our talks with Sobeys were also positively impacted by the progress made by UFCW Local 1518 on some key issues in their negotiations. That solidarity was a powerful thing this time around.

After months of meetings and mobilizing, when we came into negotiations yesterday, Sobeys tabled a comprehensive offer intended to get us to an agreement. This was a big move, though there were still some key issues that needed to be addressed. We kept pushing until we got something we felt we could bring back to you.

Our committee worked hard to achieve an agreement that they are strongly recommending to UFCW Local 247 members.
UFCW Local 247 staff are already hard at work preparing tentative agreement documents so you can see the details quickly and easily. They are also making plans for a Telephone Town Hall meeting and ratification voting process that we hope will align with UFCW 1518’s voting process next week. You should receive information about the ratification vote process in your email inbox later today.

Our bargaining committee members will be out in the stores early next week to go through things and answer questions.
We want to extend the biggest thank you to all who offered their solidarity and support over the last several months. We could not have gotten to this point without those efforts. We are looking forward to sharing details of this tentative agreement with you early next week.
As always, if anyone is not receiving our updates, please be sure to tell them to connect with us by sending an email to or phoning toll-free 1-800-667-2205 and provide their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number. Our Safeway bargaining updates from throughout this process are available on our website.


October 11, 2023

We returned to the bargaining table with Sobeys this week, and we can report that we are making some progress.
We were further ahead than UFCW 1518 on certain issues coming into this week. Still, the progress they made in their bargaining has been helpful to us in some important areas. However, there are issues that are entirely different for us, as our departments work differently and our agreements aren’t the same in every way. That said, we are feeling the positive impact of their work at our bargaining table.
We aren’t at a deal yet – far from it – and we knew we would have to really push to get somewhere on issues that are unique to us. That said, we are still cautiously optimistic about this week.
Our committee has been at it all day, and we just broke for the night. We will be meeting with the company again tomorrow morning. We expect another full day of negotiations tomorrow, as we hope to make the very most of the time we have to get our members the best agreement we can with the strong mandate we’ve been given. We will keep you posted!
As always, if anyone is not receiving our updates, please be sure to tell them to connect with us by sending an email to or phoning toll-free 1-800-667-2205 and provide their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number. Our Safeway bargaining updates, along with regularly updated Strike FAQs, remain available on our website.


October 9, 2023

As we have been preparing for negotiation meetings with Sobeys this week, we wanted to provide a quick update for you all.

You may have heard in the stores that UFCW 1518's bargaining committee has been developing and sharing their rollout plan for their new tentative agreement and ratification vote process. Aware that we are in bargaining with the company next week and have yet to reach a tentative agreement of our own, UFCW 1518 has been very supportive and respectful of our process – so much so that the first step in their rollout plan is supporting our committee as we head back to the table with Sobeys this week!

Now that’s what solidarity looks like! Last week, UFCW 247 President Dan Goodman let their bargaining committee and leadership know how much we appreciate their support.

UFCW 1518's Rollout Plan... Just FYI
While our process may differ from theirs in some ways, we felt it might be useful for everyone to at least be aware of UFCW 1518’s rollout plan. Beyond supporting our committee, here’s what’s happening for UFCW 1518 members in the coming weeks:

Again, this isn’t our rollout plan, as we don’t have a tentative agreement. We just want everyone to be aware of what’s happening out there, as our process might look similar.

We're ready for this week
As we mentioned in our previous update, we must prepare for any possible outcome, whether that’s a tentative agreement (if talks go well) or a strike action (if they don’t). Let's continue the momentum we've been building.

Sobeys knows we are coming into our meetings this week with a 99% strike authorization vote from our membership. We are ready to push for a tentative agreement of our own, one that we can hopefully recommend to you all.

We will keep you posted as things progress, so watch for our emails.

As always, if anyone is not receiving our updates, please be sure to tell them to connect with us by sending an email to or phoning toll-free 1-800-667-2205 and provide their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number. Our Safeway bargaining updates, along with regularly updated Strike FAQs, remain available on our website.


September 28, 2023

Late last night, UFCW 1518's bargaining committee reached a tentative agreement with Sobeys for a new contract for their members working at Safeway. This is great news for our fellow union members, and it has come after several days and nights of intense negotiations. We congratulate UFCW 1518 members on what was certainly difficult work! UFCW Local 247 members might be wondering what this means for our Meat, Deli, and Seafood negotiations, and that’s what this update is all about.
UFCW 1518 Tentative Agreement
While excellent news and a positive sign for us, the UFCW 1518 tentative agreement is just that – tentative. There is a process that now needs to happen for that agreement to be accepted by their membership and for it to come into effect.
We understand that their bargaining committee is strongly recommending that the membership vote to accept the tentative agreement. We also understand the agreement involves 75 pages of agreed items, which will require a lot of work to gather and present. Rolling that out to members and voting on it will still take some time.
UFCW 247 Bargaining Still To Come
An unmistakable characteristic of this round of bargaining has been how closely we’ve worked with UFCW 1518. Our strike votes and bargaining meetings have been coordinated so as to demonstrate union solidarity across the stores. As UFCW 1518 expressed to their members in an update this morning, their solidarity and support for UFCW 247 will continue.

Our meetings with the company after Thanksgiving (October 11-14) are still happening. Our bargaining committee's work is still ahead.

Without a doubt, we share many issues with UFCW 1518 members, but we still have issues that are unique to our departments and that we need to address when we meet with Sobeys. Just last week, our members gave us the strongest kind of leverage we could ask for – a 99% strike authorization vote with a massive turnout. With that in hand, we will continue to push for a tentative agreement of our own, one that we can strongly recommend to UFCW Local 247 members.
Preparations Continue
We must continue to prepare for any possible outcome, whether that’s a tentative agreement (if talks go well) or a strike action (if they don’t). Let's continue the momentum we've been building.

We are still preparing Picket Captain training if there is a strike. If you are interested in stepping up and taking on the role of Picket Captain, please let us know by emailing Any effort we make to prepare for a strike – whether it happens or not – will help us build a stronger union.

As always, if anyone is not receiving our updates, please tell them to connect with us by sending an email to or phoning toll-free 1-800-667-2205 and provide their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number. Our Safeway bargaining updates, along with regularly updated Strike FAQs, remain available on our website.


September 23, 2023

Winning a new collective agreement is never easy. Each set of negotiations has its own twists and turns. Sometimes, an important step along the way is to show the company – and each other – that we are strong, united, and determined to get the best agreement. We took that step this week and in a massive way. Be proud! A 99% strike authorization vote is no small thing – it was a lot of work to pull off! Again, we want to extend our congratulations on achieving such an overwhelming expression of union solidarity this week.

As we mentioned in our last update, UFCW 1518 has been in bargaining meetings with Sobeys this week. We understand their meetings have gone late into the night, and they plan to continue to work over this weekend. We are paying close attention to what's happening in their meetings, and we'll report updates to you as we receive them. Without a doubt, news of our 99% strike vote gave the UFCW 1518 bargaining committee a big boost.
UFCW Local 247 staff are working hard to prepare for the path ahead. That means getting ready for our upcoming negotiations meetings with the company on October 11-14 while also preparing for a possible deal (if talks go well) or a strike action (if they don’t).
In preparing for either outcome, we know that establishing an effective picket line will take coordination and leadership. Union members who coordinate strike activities on-the-ground are called Picket Captains. We are supporting our leaders by providing special training for this important role. In the coming days, we’ll be reaching out to Shop Stewards and activists in Safeway stores across Zone 1 to arrange for Picket Captain Training.
Feeling inspired to get involved? Whether you are a Shop Steward or not, if you are interested in stepping up and taking on the role of Picket Captain, please let us know by emailing Any effort we make to prepare for a strike – whether it happens or not – will help us build a stronger union.

As always, if anyone is not receiving our updates, please tell them to get connected with us by sending an email to or phoning toll-free 1-800-667-2205 and provide their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number.


September 20, 2023

In an unprecedented turnout, UFCW Local 247 members working in the Meat, Deli, and Seafood Departments in Zone 1 Safeway stores have voted 99% in favour of authorizing strike action. Thank you for this massive expression of union strength and solidarity.

"Our strike vote sends the strongest possible message to Sobeys," said UFCW Local 247 President, Dan Goodman. "Union members are united across the stores and committed to pushing for the best possible agreement."

What we've achieved together is a big deal, and it will impact what happens over the coming weeks. Today, UFCW 1518 is returning to the bargaining table with Sobeys after their Zone 1 members voted 98% YES to authorize a strike if necessary. They can count on our solidarity when they sit across from the company this week and next. Late next week, the Bakers’ union is also planning to take their strike vote.

All this pressure is building towards our next meetings with the company planned for the week after Thanksgiving (October 11-14). We can now head into those meetings with a strike mandate from you in our hands.

Remember: just because we voted to authorize a strike doesn't mean we are going on strike right away. Our goal remains getting back to the table with Sobeys to get a deal you - the members - can vote on. Whether we call a strike will certainly depend on how things go over the coming weeks, and we will be reaching out to you (a lot!) if we see things coming to that.
"Thank you to all those who reached out and engaged with us over recent weeks," said Lead Negotiator and Assistant to the President, Cathy Shannon. "We can’t begin to express what it means to your bargaining committee! To our dedicated Shop Stewards, workplace leaders, and those many individuals and groups of members who reached out to make sure everyone got connected and participated in the vote: THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS YOURS!"

Let’s keep building the strength of our union and showing Sobeys the unwavering support we have for each other. We'll be keeping you informed as things move forward.

As always, if anyone is not receiving our updates, please tell them to get connected with us by sending an email to or phoning toll-free 1-800-667-2205 and provide their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number.


September 18, 2023

This is a final reminder of the information meeting and strike votes happening this week for Zone 1 (Lower Mainland) UFCW Local 247 members working in Safeway Meat, Deli, and Seafood Departments. Your Union Bargaining Committee is recommending Zone 1 UFCW Local 247 members vote YES to authorize a strike, if necessary. Now is our time to echo the strong message sent by UFCW Local 1518 members last week who voted 98% in favour of authorizing strike action. PLEASE VOTE!

Telephone Townhall Meeting
During our Strike Vote Telephone Townhall Meeting, we’ll be able to answer any questions our members have about the strike authorization vote and a potential job action. Zone 1 Safeway members, join the call to have your questions answered tonight, Monday, September 18, 2023 @ 7 PM PDT. We’ll call all Zone 1 members on our phone list at 7 pm, so make sure to be by your phone. If we don’t have your number, or if you don't get a call, you can always join the Telephone Town Hall by dialing 1-877-229-8493 and entering ID code 116389 at 7 pm.
Safeway Zone 1 Strike Vote Details
The strike authorization vote (for Zone 1 UFCW 247 members in the Lower Mainland only) will be held online: Tuesday, September 19 at 9 am PDT to Wednesday, September 20 at 4 pm PDT. Zone 1 members will receive voting credentials to their email address on Tuesday, September 19 at 9 am PDT. Your voting credentials will be sent directly from SimplyVoting, the online voting platform we are using, which will have a different email appearance than this one. Keep an eye out for an email with the subject line: "VOTING OPEN: Safeway Strike Authorization Vote"

If you do not receive your voting credentials from SimplyVoting tomorrow morning (don't forget to check your Spam/Junk folder!), or if you do not have access to an email address, don't worry - you can call the union office (DIRECT LINE FOR SAFEWAY VOTERS: 604-542-4550) to request your voting credentials. Please note that if calling in for credentials, members may be asked to provide details such as their name, date of birth, or employee number in order to verify their identity. It would help if you had that information handy. Results of the vote will be announced by email and on our website after the polls close on Wednesday evening.
In preparation for tonight's telephone town hall meeting, please take a moment to review the frequently asked questions we have been receiving, they are listed here for you:

What is a strike?
A strike is when union members collectively withdraw their labour – that is, they stop coming to work as a way of pressuring their employer to see bargaining issues their way. What this usually looks like is union members forming legal picket lines outside their workplaces to draw attention to their job action and engage the public about their issues. Striking workers usually refuse to come back to work until they receive a contract offer from their employer that they find acceptable.

Strikes are a powerful tool used by unionized workers in contract negotiations. We know that when an employer knows that its workers are prepared to strike to achieve their demands, they are more inclined to negotiate fairly.

What is a strike authorization vote, and why are we taking one?
A union can only legally issue strike notice in BC if its members have democratically authorized it to do so. A strike authorization vote authorizes our union to have the option to serve strike notice if we are unable to reach an agreement. A strike authorization vote is also a strong show of solidarity from the members to their union bargaining committee, helping them to return to the bargaining table with a strong mandate of support. The bargaining committee can then push Sobeys to make a better offer.

Does this mean we are automatically going on strike?
No, a strike authorization vote is an escalation in the bargaining process. It does not mean we will automatically issue strike notice. Ultimately, our committee is fighting for a fairer deal for Safeway members. After the strike authorization vote, we will return to the bargaining table in October, prepared to show Sobeys we are serious about our demands – but our goal is to reach an agreement without having to serve strike notice.

What is the process of having a legal strike in BC?
In BC, unionized workers have the right to legally strike their employers. Striking is considered lawful union activity, and union members who lawfully strike and picket normally return to their jobs once a strike is over and work resumes. With those rights come responsibilities. A strike involves everyone at a workplace, so the decision to strike must be a democratic one. A union cannot serve strike notice on an employer unless union members have voted in favour of taking strike action.

There is also a notice period before a strike can take place. In BC, a legal strike cannot commence until at least 72 hours have passed since the union has provided notice to the employer. When perishable goods are involved, this notice period can be extended through an employer’s application to the BC Labour Relations Board. We’ll keep you posted on any strike notice being served and what that might mean in terms of time frames. A strike normally ends when a contract has been reached with the company and union members have voted to accept it.

If we are in a labour dispute, will I receive picket pay while on strike?
UFCW 247 members will receive picket pay so long as they show up to their picket shifts. The picket pay structure for UFCW 247 members at Safeway is:

There are some important rules to be aware of about picket pay:

In accordance with the UFCW International Constitution, financial aid is only payable to union members who have been on strike or locked out for at least 14 days in succession. Also in accordance with the Constitution, there is no picket pay for the first 7 days of a strike or lockout. Unions often encourage members to find alternate employment to supplement any loss of income during a labour dispute.

Picket captains will work with members on scheduling their picketing hours, with consideration for our need to ensure coverage is maintained at all picketing locations. Alternative duties may be available for members who are unable to walk a picket line.

I have already booked my vacation. Will I get paid for my vacation?  
When a strike is called, the provisions of the Collective Agreement are suspended, and this includes vacation pay. That said, you won’t LOSE vacation because you went on strike. During a dispute, if you need to take time away from the picket line, you can (without picket pay).  When the dispute ends, the Collective Agreement would be back in force, and you would still be entitled to your vacation time and pay.

If I am on paid sick leave, what happens to my pay?
Sick leave payments are provided by insurance carriers. If you are currently receiving benefits pay and still qualify for paid sick leave as defined under your Benefit Plan or EI, you would continue to receive those benefits. The same goes for Maternity or Parental Leave. If you are receiving those benefits, you should continue to receive those EI payments.

Who runs the picket lines?
Should a dispute seem inevitable, we will immediately train Picket Captains for each picket location. Picket Captains are your fellow members and workplace leaders who will be specifically trained to handle issues on the line related to picket pay, scheduling, amenities, media relations, and other important duties. Interested in serving as a Picket Captain,

How else can I prepare for a possible strike?
While we are several steps away from a possible strike, it’s never too early to start preparing. UFCW Canada has created Being Prepared, a helpful guide with steps to take well in advance of a possible strike. It includes general information about labour disputes, how to prepare financially (notifying your bank and creditors, for example), and general rules around picketing.

How long will the strike last? How does a strike end?
We don’t know exactly how long a dispute could last—no one does. But we are several steps away from this. Ultimately, bargaining should end with an agreement—one that both sides can ratify (that means the Employer and the Union members). And if that happens before a dispute… great!   If not, a dispute may be necessary, but it will ultimately end with a new agreement for our Safeway members in BC.
If our strike successfully shows the employer that we will not back down until we get what we deserve, the hope is that the strike will end with a better contract that addresses members’ priorities.

Who votes in a strike authorization vote?
All active UFCW 247 members who work in the meat, deli, and seafood departments in Safeway stores in Zone 1 (Lower Mainland – working in stores from Hope to Whistler) will have the right to vote. This includes anyone who is on probation.

Voting YES means that you support your bargaining committee’s recommendation to authorize a strike and demand a better contract than what Sobeys is offering.

Members not in Zone 1 (outside the Lower Mainland) will have many opportunities to support their fellow union members, who will rely on your solidarity to fight for the best possible deal for all Safeway workers.

Will anyone know how I voted?
No! Your vote is confidential! Neither your coworkers nor anyone else will know how you voted.  Unless you share how you voted with them, no one will know.

My store is in Zone 2. What does taking action look like for me in my store?
Not all Safeway meat, deli, and seafood members have the ability to formally strike. In the coming weeks, we will be providing other ways members in Zone 2 can show their solidarity and support throughout BC and throughout UFCW Local 247. We also encourage Zone 2 members to contact us at if there are ways they would like to get involved in supporting Zone 1 members.

If we are on strike at my location but other unions are not able to strike, what will happen?
While we speak with other unions in solidarity, we should never speak for them. We know there are unions dealing with different circumstances than ours (i.e. a store that is less than 10 years old has different rules about striking for other unions), but we are also aware that UFCW Local 1518 has advised their members that, if we or the Bakers’ union serve strike notice at any store, UFCW Local 1518 members would not cross our picket line and they would receive picket pay.

Members of other unions affected by a strike should always thoroughly review information being shared with them by their union. 

Where can I find more information about whether we will go on strike? How can I keep up to date with negotiations?
We will provide members with all the information they need to make an informed decision well ahead of job action. Union representatives and bargaining committee members will visit stores to keep members updated and answer your questions, and as always, we will continue to keep members updated via emails, telephone town halls and this Safeway Bargaining Page.

Ensure that your contact info with us is up to date by visiting our website.

As always, please talk to your co-workers and ensure that anyone who is not receiving union emails updates their contact info with us. Tell them to email or phone toll-free 1-800-667-2205 and provide their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number.

How can I get more involved?
At this key stage, the best things members can do is become informed, get connected with their union, and spread the word in the stores. If anyone is not receiving our updates, tell them to get connected with us by contacting us to update their phone number and email.  Don’t hesitate to be in touch with your shop steward and/or union rep to make sure you know the latest information. If you have a question, please ask it – we guarantee there are others with the same questions.


September 15, 2023

Next week is big. We're holding a Telephone Townhall Meeting and Strike Authorization Vote for Zone 1 UFCW Local 247 members working in BC Safeway Meat, Deli, and Seafood departments. At the risk of being repetitive, here are all your key links, dates, times, and numbers all in one place. Whether you flag it, pin it, or print it, you might want to keep this information handy!

Telephone Townhall Meeting Details
We're holding a Strike Vote Telephone Townhall Meeting to answer any questions members have about the strike authorization vote and a potential job action. Join the call to have your questions answered.

Participating in the Telephone Town Hall is as easy as answering your phone. We’ll call Zone 1 members at 7 pm, so make sure to be by your phone. We called all Zone 1 members this afternoon about the Telephone Town Hall. If you didn't get a call, it might be because we don't have your number. If we don’t have your number, or if you miss our call on Monday, you can always join the Telephone Town Hall by calling 1-877-229-8493 and entering ID code 116389 at 7 pm on September 18.
Safeway Zone 1 Strike Vote Details
The strike authorization vote for Zone 1 UFCW 247 members in the Lower Mainland will be held online from:

Zone 1 members will receive voting credentials to your email address on Tuesday, September 19 at 9 am PDT. Your voting credentials will be sent directly from SimplyVoting, the online voting platform we are using, which will have a different email appearance than this one. If you do not receive your credentials in your Inbox on Tuesday morning, you may want to check your Spam or Junk mail folder. Anyone who does not receive their voting credentials on September 19 can call the union office at 1-800-667-2205 to request them, after verifying their identity.
Online voting has been approved by the Labour Board, as it is confidential, secure, accessible and democratic. You can vote from any internet-enabled device, including a phone, tablet, or desktop computer.
Anyone requiring in-person assistance to vote can come to the UFCW Local 247 office at 14936 32 Avenue in Surrey. The office will be open from 9am - 7pm PDT on Tuesday, September 19 and Wednesday, September 20 from 9am - 3 pm PDT.

Looking for information between now and Monday? Don't forget, you can check out the FAQs posted on our website or review our bargaining updates below.

As always, please continue to talk to your co-workers and ensure that anyone who is not receiving union emails updates their contact info with us. Tell them to email or phone toll-free 1-800-667-2205 and provide their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number.


September 14, 2023

UFCW Local 1518 has announced to its members the results of their Zone 1 Safeway Strike Authorization Vote. In a massive turnout, their members in Zone 1 Safeway stores have voted YES to authorize strike action by a margin of 98%!

This is an amazing result that puts their bargaining committee in the strongest possible position in advance of their next bargaining meetings with Sobeys. It does not mean that anyone is going on strike yet, but Local 1518 now has the ability to issue strike notice if a fair deal can’t be reached.
We congratulate UFCW Local 1518 members on this powerful result, and we also know the best way to express that is to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them next week in our strike authorization vote!
Things are ramping up! We want to thank every UFCW Local 247 member for the solidarity you are showing each other in the stores at this critical time. We are deeply encouraged by your messages and engagement, and we know this will translate into a strong expression of your willingness to take action if necessary.
Now is the time for UFCW Local 247 members in Zone 1 Meat, Deli, and Seafood departments to show our fellow union members in the stores that we are with them. Let’s show Sobeys we are strong, united, and committed to getting the recognition we all deserve for the work we do.
Please come out and vote next week!

Remember, any member who wishes to vote must register their email address with us BEFORE the strike vote. Please help us spread the word by telling your fellow members to get connected by emailing or phoning toll-free 1-800-667-2205, providing their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number.


September 12, 2023

We know participating in a strike vote is not something a person does every day. We also know there are members who have not participated in a union strike vote before. It's natural to have questions.

While we will be holding a strike vote Telephone Townhall Meeting on September 18, in advance of the Zone 1 Strike Vote on September 19-20, we also want to answer the most frequently asked questions we've been hearing from members.

Please check out the following link, where we are constantly refreshing and adding new information based on your feedback: STRIKE VOTE FAQs
Topics include :
-What is a strike?
-Why do strike votes matter?
-Official details about Picket Pay!
-And more, including resources about Being Prepared for a strike.

We know that a strong strike mandate is one of the most effective ways to get the company's attention at the bargaining table in October. That's why your UFCW 247 bargaining committee and leadership are recommending you please VOTE YES to give your Bargaining Committee the ability to authorize a strike if needed.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Any member who wishes to vote must register their email address with us BEFORE the strike vote. Please help us spread the word by telling your fellow members to get connected by contacting or phoning toll-free 1-800-667-2205, providing their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number.


September 8, 2023

Our bargaining committee has been working hard to negotiate a new contract for UFCW Local 247 members working in the Meat, Deli, and Seafood Departments at BC Safeway stores. Despite months of talks, Sobeys, who owns Safeway, has presented us with a wage offer that is less than 1% in some years. This is not good enough.
Safeway unions in BC are coordinating their solidarity. Alongside us, both UFCW Local 1518 and the Bakers’ union are holding strike votes in September. We need to escalate our pressure on Sobeys to get a fair deal – and we need to do this well in advance of our next meeting with the company after Thanksgiving.
We will be holding a strike authorization vote for UFCW Local 247 Safeway members in Zone 1 (Lower Mainland) Meat, Deli, and Seafood Departments on September 19-20, 2023 (full details below). That way, we’ll arrive at the table with Sobeys in the strongest position.
Your UFCW 247 bargaining committee and leadership are recommending you VOTE YES to give your Bargaining Committee the ability to authorize a strike if needed. If you need more information about what a strike authorization vote means, be sure to start by checking out the FAQ page.
We will be holding a Strike Vote Telephone Townhall Meeting for all Zone 1 Safeway members working in BC Meat, Deli, and Seafood departments as follows:

During that meeting, we’ll be able to answer any questions our members have about the strike authorization vote and a potential job action.
If you work in a Zone 1 store, participating in the Telephone Town Hall is as easy as answering your phone. We’ll call at 7 pm, so make sure to be by your phone.

If we don’t have your number, or if you miss the call, you can join the Telephone Town Hall by calling 1-877-229-8493 and entering ID code 116389 at 7 pm on September 18.
The Strike Authorization Vote (for Zone 1 UFCW 247 members in the Lower Mainland only) will be held online:

You will receive your voting credentials to your email address on Tuesday, September 19 at 9 am PDT.
Anyone who does not receive their voting credentials on September 19 can call the union office at 1-800-667-8329 to request them, after verifying their identity.
Online voting has been approved by the Labour Board, as it is confidential, secure, accessible, and democratic. You can vote from any internet-enabled device, including a phone, tablet, or desktop computer.
Anyone requiring in-person assistance to vote can come to the UFCW Local 247 office at 14936 32 Avenue in Surrey. The office will be open from 9am to 7pm PDT on Tuesday, September 19 and Wednesday, September 20 from 9am - 3pm PDT.
As always, if anyone is not receiving our updates, tell them to get connected with us by sending an email to or phoning toll-free
1-800-667-2205 and provide their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number.


August 29, 2023

This is a very important update and a critical time for Safeway members in BC. With cancelled bargaining dates and with Sobeys presenting us a woefully inadequate monetary offer at our last meeting with them, we’ve come to an important juncture: we will be taking strike votes in Zone 1 (Lower Mainland stores) in advance of our next bargaining dates with Sobeys. This update is all about where we’re at and the path ahead, so please read on.
In pushing for a fair deal for our Safeway Meat, Deli, and Seafood members throughout BC, our UFCW 247 bargaining committee has had many face-to-face meetings with Sobeys since February 2023. For those who may have missed them, we’ve been providing updates on those meetings on by email and on our website.
In our latest update, we reported that Sobeys had cancelled all the bargaining dates we had scheduled at the end of August. This came after an inadequate and disappointing monetary proposal that was tabled by the company in our last meeting with them.
Since then, your UFCW Local 247 bargaining committee members and leadership have been in the stores talking to members about bargaining, what’s on the table, and how things might go from here. We’ve had many conversations with members and heard your frustrations. It’s becoming clear that now is the time to ramp up the pressure to get the strongest deal possible.
UFCW Solidarity at Safeway
Throughout bargaining, we’ve noted that Sobeys’ response to UFCW Local 1518 has mirrored their response to us: an insulting offer to Safeway members and cancelled dates.
As trade unionists, we know that solidarity is where we get our strength. We have been working closely with UFCW Local 1518 in developing a coordinated bargaining strategy. We know that a united strategy that builds union solidarity within the stores and across the province is the best way to demonstrate our members’ power and strength, especially if we are in a labour dispute situation.
This week, the leadership and bargaining committees of both UFCW Locals 247 and 1518 met to share our solidarity and support, and both of our bargaining committees unanimously recommended ramping up the pressure on the company by holding strike votes before our next meetings with Sobeys. That’s right: both UFCW Locals 247 and 1518 in BC will be holding strike votes across Zone 1 (Lower Mainland) in September 2023!
Why is this so important? We know that having the pressure of a strong strike mandate is one of the most effective ways union members can show employers they are serious. A strike mandate is about persuading employers to improve our terms and conditions of employment, such as wages, benefits, hours, and other issues on the table. A strike vote doesn’t mean we are serving strike notice and hitting the streets (yet!). But it does greatly increase our bargaining strength. While our votes will be arranged separately, and we may have some different issues on the table, we know that solidarity with UFCW Local 1518 is plentiful, as it comes from the common ground we have found with each other in dealing with this difficult employer. That unity gives us strength!
The Path Ahead
 We are working on the logistics of carrying out a strike vote across the Lower Mainland Zone 1 stores (Hope to Whistler). Our votes will most likely come after the UFCW 1518 votes but before our scheduled meetings with Sobeys in October. When the details are solidified, we’ll be sharing them with you by all the means that we have at our disposal. We’ll need your help to get the word out, too! We will continue to provide information and answer members’ questions, and we’ll of course provide details of what a strike might ultimately mean. Members will have lots of questions.

We Need You
Whether you are in Zone 1 or Zone 2 stores, the coming strike authorization vote is critically important. Everyone will have a role to play should job action be needed to get the best deal possible for members. The main thing we are asking members to do right now is to tune in and get informed about the issues. We know that many members may still have a lot of questions about what a possible strike might mean and the importance of a strike vote. Please don't hesitate to reach out to your Shop Stewards in your store or your UFCW 247 Union Representatives.

More Information Coming
In advance of the Zone 1 strike vote, we will also be holding a Telephone Town Hall meeting for all Safeway union members working in the meat, deli, and seafood departments. More details on that to come. During that meeting, we’ll be able to answer any questions our members have about the strike authorization vote and potential job action.
Remember: a strike authorization vote is a critical step in being stronger at the bargaining table when we resume negotiations with Sobeys come October – but it doesn’t mean we’re going on strike right away. Ultimately, our focus is reaching a strong agreement with improvements for our members – a strong strike vote will help us do just that!

As always, please talk to your co-workers and ensure that anyone who is not receiving union emails updates their contact info. Tell them to email or phone toll-free 1-800-667-2205 and provide their full name, employee number, store number, email address, and cell phone number.


August 22, 2023

With the recent cancellation of our August meeting dates by Sobeys, members have been reaching out, looking for answers as to what’s happening. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:
Why did Sobeys cancel the scheduled negotiations?
The Company told us that they were unprepared to discuss wages. They know what they need and what they should be doing but it appears they are just trying to drag the bargaining process out. Members have waited long enough! While some progress was made at our last set of meetings, there are still many issues outstanding that we need to see resolved.

Why is this taking so long?
While we had hoped to have reached an agreement by now, that is not the case as these have been a complex set of negotiations. This is the first time we have had the opportunity to truly negotiate with Sobeys since they bought Safeway in 2013. Locking in dates has also been challenging; the Company is dealing with two other Unions and other Provincial bargaining at the same time.
Where is Local 1518 at?
Local 1518 also had their August dates cancelled by the Company. We are in similar positions in that we have both started the monetary discussions. The Locals have been in constant contact and are supporting each other in any way possible. We need to make sure we are united in our approach as the Company is the only one who benefits from a division between us.
What’s happening right now?
In the coming weeks, we will have some of our bargaining committee members and staff representatives out in the stores talking to members to keep them updated and make sure they are hearing our message, not the one the Company presents. In addition, new bargaining dates have been set for October 11-14. Your bargaining committee’s objective and responsibility is to go as long as it takes to get a fair deal for our members.
What about a strike?
Strikes are a powerful tool used by unionized workers to bring attention to their concerns and to put pressure on employers to address demands. It is also a strong show of solidarity from the members to the bargaining committee and provides them with a solid mandate. Strike action may be necessary to fight for a fair deal. That decision has yet to be made and we will be ready for any scenario. More information on this process will be made available to our members as the situation develops.
How will I find more information?
We will continue to keep our members informed of further developments. This will include detailed strike information needed for you to make an informed decision about going on strike, well ahead of a strike vote.
Please ensure that your contact information with us is up-to-date and keep an eye on your email inbox and our website for important information.

July 29, 2023

As we previously advised in Safeway bargaining update #6, at our last round of negotiations, a wage offer was submitted by the Company to your bargaining committee. This offer did not meet the needs of our members and left your committee disappointed and uncertain.  Future bargaining dates were set for August 22-24, 2023. 

Safeway has now cancelled these dates and advised us that they will not be prepared to meet.  The company claims it needs additional time to analyze and review the recently ratified Save On Foods settlement before meeting with our Union bargaining committee.  Wages and other monetary items need to be evaluated against any perceived competitor’s wage costs. 

 No future dates have been proposed!

“The reasons stated for cancelling the scheduled bargaining sessions are frustrating” stated Dan Goodman, President of UFCW Local 247, “delays in bargaining create increased uncertainty and financial pressure on our members who want and deserve a fair deal now”, he added.

We will also take this time to prepare for the Company's eventual return to the bargaining table and wage proposal.

“We are very disappointed with the employer’s position at this time, but we will use this time to analyze the Save On Foods settlement agreement with UFCW Local 1518 and we will reach out to their negotiations' team for more details and clarification”, said Cathy Shannon, Assistant to the President.

Your Union continues to be committed to achieving the best possible deal for our members and will continue the hard work of reaching a realistic agreement that benefits all members. We will be meeting with our bargaining committee to discuss options on applying pressure to bring the Company back to the table and continue building on the progress we have already made.

We will also be coordinating with Local 1518’s negotiations' team to ensure that we are united in our messaging and position with Sobeys.

We will continue to provide email updates on the progress of negotiations to all members who have registered their emails.

July 17, 2023

Your Bargaining Committee has concluded another session of negotiations with Safeway July 5th and 6th 2023.

While your committee was hopeful that a comprehensive wage proposal presented to the Company would help the Company understand what areas needed improvement, your committee was left disappointed with the Company’s response. The Company submitted an offer that had very little to do with retaining or improving the current labour in our stores. The wages offered do not meet the needs of our members but assure that the Company stays very profitable in the marketplace.

Unfortunately, the Union and the Company are not very close to being able to come to an agreement due to the demands to be competitive for the Company in BC’s expensive living climate.  We are committed to getting the best possible deal for our members and the Company was shown a united front during the last wage discussion.

“After 40 years with Safeway, this is by far the most meaningful work I have done” said committee member Margaret (Deli Clerk, Lower Mainland).  “This is not easy work, but I have the faces of my co-workers in mind as I do it”.

“We are retaining a strong focus and I am thankful that we have the experience and history to stand strong against the Company”, added Kirste (Seafood Clerk, Kamloops) “just look at all the years of service in this room alone, it is so invaluable.” While progress felt slow and unproductive, your committee tabled an amended proposal to the Company to try and get the conversation moving forward. The Company withdrew several items that were a hard NO! from our side giving us a positive end to the bargaining session. We have a long way to go to be close on wages and in a few other areas, but the movement was a sign of the need to understand both sides wanting to achieve a workable and realistic agreement for the future.

The next bargaining dates are set for August 22nd – 24th 2023.

If you know of members who are not receiving the email updates and are interested in receiving future updates, please encourage members to contact the Union office to add their email to the mailing list.


June 26, 2023

Your Bargaining Committee has concluded another session of negotiations with Safeway the week of June 12th, 13th, & 14th 2023.

Your committee felt it beneficial to proceed to the monetary phase during this set of negotiations.  Wage improvements are a top priority for our members and the Company negotiators need to hear and understand this.

“We hope that Sobeys Corporate realizes that the current labour concerns are obvious, and lack of staffing is mostly due to below market wages” said Doug (Meat Cutter, Kelowna).

For some of your bargaining committee, the negotiations process is also a new experience.    

Bargaining is a result of many backs and forth with proposals and counter proposals from the Union and the Company.  Solutions are sought that are agreeable to both sides of the negotiations.

First time committee members Oenone and Erin found the process interesting and a great learning experience.

While progress has been slow and steady, “the process itself is eye opening”, said first time committee member, Oenone (Deli Clerk, Nelson).  “I have always wondered what happened in bargaining AND how did we agreed to this language” said Erin (Production clerk, Vernon), “you have to get involved to see how this works and this has been a huge learning experience” she added.

For some experienced committee members who have sat in negotiations before, the process feels very different, and it is quite apparent that we are dealing with a very different company.  Committee member Brian (Meat Cutter, Lower Mainland), states “it felt like we were always working towards the same goals, and you knew who everyone was, at the table”.  The goal before was to improve the store, customer experience and look at what the staff needed.  “There are some different faces at the table from the Company and we are definitely negotiating with Sobeys, not Safeway” Brian added.

As your committee felt that progress has been somewhat slow to date, your committee also felt that it was needed to present a comprehensive wage proposals list to the Company.  It is unusual times, and this step was needed to get the process moving forward to where our members want and need to be at.

“We have taken this unusual step to table a monetary wage proposal to get the Company to understand and address our members concerns”, said Union Negotiator Cathy Shannon (Assistant to the President). 

Normally single monetary improvement proposals are looked at and discussed as individual proposals. 

“The Company needs to know the framework required to support their existing employees that are suffering from lack of staffing and also to recognize the hard work our members do in their departments, day in and day out” Cathy added. 

While we are hopeful that this will give the Company an idea on what areas we wish to focus on, we remain cautious that we can make progress now that we are at the monetary stage of negotiations.

The next bargaining dates are set for July 5th and 6th 2023.

Your Union will continue to provide email updates on the progress of negotiations to all members who have registered their emails.

Please encourage those members to check their spam folders or contact the Union office to verify that we have their correct email address.


May 29, 2023

Your Bargaining Committee has concluded another session of negotiations with Safeway the week of May 15th, 16th, & 17th 2023.

The negotiating committee continued to focus and discuss in more detail the outstanding remaining non-monetary proposals. The employer and the union were able to work through a few more of the non-monetary items. Some of the other non-monetary proposals this bargaining session continued to center around the employers’ requests for scheduling, and their need for scheduling flexibility.

While progress has been made, other issues have stalled and consensus on the remaining items has remained difficult to achieve.  While these non-monetary items are important, your committee felt it beneficial to proceed to the monetary phase.  Wage improvements are a top priority for our members, and we will continue to represent the needs and concerns of our members as we transition to the monetary phase of negotiations at our next set of bargaining.

The next bargaining dates are set for June 12,13, & 14th 2023.

Your Union will continue to provide email updates on the progress of negotiations to all members who have registered their emails.

If you are aware of any members who have signed up and are still not receiving updates, we may not have their correct email address on file.

April 3, 2023

Your Bargaining Committee has concluded another negotiations session with Safeway the week of March 20th to 24th 2023.

The negotiating committee continued to focus and discuss in more detail the non-monetary proposal items with the Company.  The non-monetary items this bargaining session centered around scheduling, scheduling flexibility, vacation, and leaves.

As your bargaining committee, we will continue to represent the needs and concerns of our members at the bargaining table as we continue to discuss the remaining non-monetary proposals.  Your bargaining committee wants to ensure that any proposed changes will benefit our membership.  This will be our position as well when we eventually transition to the monetary phase of negotiations.

The next set of bargaining dates are scheduled for the week of May 15th, 16th, & 17th 2023.

Your Union will continue to provide email updates on the progress of negotiations to all members who have registered their emails.


March 6, 2023

Your bargaining committee has concluded their second week of negotiations with Safeway, which took place February 27th to March 3rd, 2023.

This session continued to focus on non-monetary proposals with the Company and your Union bargaining committee further discussing these proposals in more detail.  While some progress has been made, there are still non-monetary proposals to be discussed.

This bargaining session focused primarily on scheduling, flexibility, and leaves.  Other issues discussed also included concerns regarding staffing, hiring, and retention.

Andrew Follwell, Vice President of Sobey’s Labour Relations, attended this bargaining session to give a presentation on a variety of issues.  Your bargaining committee was able to ask questions and make comments after the presentation.

The committee continues to work hard and are committed to represent our priority issues.

As part of our negotiation process, it is important that we have discussions on the Union side and continue the essential work to build agreement on any issue that may affect our members.  This process will continue as we move on with the rest of the non-monetary proposals at our next scheduled bargaining session, which is scheduled for the week of March 20-24th, 2023.

We will continue to e-mail updates on the progress of negotiations to all UFCW Local 247 Safeway members who have provided their e-mail address. 

If you know of fellow members who are not currently receiving our updates, please ask them to contact our office at 1-800-667-2205 or fill out this form to update their contact information. 


January 31, 2023

Meetings were held with Safeway members from different classifications and geographic areas of the province to review the submitted contract proposals from our membership.

Union bargaining proposals from that meeting held on January 12, and 13th are being finalized in the office, and the first set of bargaining dates are set to begin February 6-10th 2023.

Your union bargaining committee was selected from the group of Safeway members who attended the proposal meeting and who also volunteered to step forward, represent the membership, their co-workers and be part of the bargaining process.

Your bargaining committee consists of: Margaret Robins, Joanne Lipp, Wendy Dewhurst, Kirste Hawgood, Oenone Bain, Erin O’Leary, Doug Insley, Brian Taylor, Nick Tomaine, and Alicia Whitehead.

Meet your Bargaining Team:

Margaret Robins is a 38 + year Deli Clerk from the lower mainland
Joanne Lipp is a 34-year Deli Clerk from the lower mainland
Wendy Dewhurst is a 37-year Deli Clerk from the lower mainland
Brian Taylor is a 28-year journeyperson meat cutter from the lower mainland
Nick Tomaine is a 2-year member who was a Grid B meat cutter production clerk before becoming a meat cutter through the new company cutter training program from the lower mainland
Alicia Whitehead is an 8-year former Grid B meat deli seafood production clerk and is now a journeyperson meat cutter who trained through the union’s scholarship program for meat cutting at Thompson River University from the lower mainland
Kirste Hawgood is an 11-year former Grid B meat, deli, and seafood clerk, and is now the current Seafood Operator from Kamloops BC
Oenone Bain is a former Grid B meat deli and seafood production clerk, former deli manager, and is now a Grid A Deli Clerk with over 20 years from Nelson BC
Erin O’Leary is also an 11-year Meat Deli and seafood production clerk who currently works in the Vernon BC store
Doug Insley is a 34 + year journeyperson meat cutter formerly from the lower mainland who now works and resides in Kelowna BC

“These members, your co-workers are meat cutters, deli clerks, and seafood clerks with immense wealth of experience and knowledge in their classifications,” said Cathy Shannon Assistant to the President, “I know they will represent you all well.” she added.

We would like to thank everyone on your committee for their commitment and desire to take on the responsibility on fighting to improve your collective agreement during these challenging times. Your committee’s wealth of experience and knowledge will be put to good use in representing our issues at the bargaining table.

Your Union will be providing email updates on the progress of negotiations and all Safeway members are encouraged to ensure they have their emails updated by contacting the Union office at 1-800-667-2205 or email



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UFCW 247 acknowledges that our head office is located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples, specifically the Semiahmoo First Nation.